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Catit Senses 2.0 Long Hair Cat Grooming Kit

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The Catit Longhair Grooming Kit satisfies the specific needs of a medium- to longhaired cat's coat. The set contains all the cat hair brush tools for daily grooming: pin cat brush, metal slicker cat brush, dematter tool, grooming comb with rolling pins and curved cat nail clipper. The cat grooming tools are stored upright in a handy canister, which prevents the combs' teeth from getting damaged. In addition, the canister's lid was designed as a handy temporary storage container for loose cat hair, saving you many trips to the trashcan. Regular cat grooming reduces the amount of shedding in the house and strengthens the bond between you and your cat. Whether your cat needs to be brushed due to shedding or to keep a healthy coat the Catit grooming kit is a one stop shop to find the perfect cat brush for shedding and grooming. Most common medium- to longhaired cat breeds: Persian cat brush, Maine Coon cat brush for long haired cats, Ragdoll long hair cat brush, Selkirk Rex (longhair) cat supplies, Norwegian Forest Cat long haired cat brush, British Longhair cat hair removal. If you aren't certain whether you have a longhaired/medium-haired or shorthaired cat, ask your veterinaria
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Catit Senses 2.0 Long Hair Cat Grooming Kit


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